Have you ever been there? Been in a long term relationship with your partner and things just turn stagnant under the sheets?
In my episode The Boredom this couple has to add a little spicy excitement into the mix to remind themselves how crazy their sexual chemistry once was.
Those of you in long term relationships how do you keep it exciting? Keep yourselves focussed on one another?
The mundane day to day activities of a married couple or long term couple can be taxing on our sexual attraction to one another.
OR it can be exhilarating.
According to more then a few moms. Seeing their partner become fathers/mothers, help around the house, cook, clean and provide turns them on more then anything did in the beginning of the relationship.
Others plan date nights, play make believe, try new things.
It's better to perfect what you have, and what you have built then giving up and letting go.
Remember what you once had and take the steps to get you back there. Make the effort.